Travel Nomadics



About travel nomadics

Exploring The World

I am a passionate traveler who has been fortunate enough to see many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, where I traveled solo through countries like Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. I have also explored most of Europe.

My passion for travel

I have always been fascinated by different cultures and foreign lands. Traveling allows me to broaden my horizons and make new experiences. I love observing people’s different ways of life, trying their local cuisine, and interacting with them.

Join my journey!

Growing up in the heart of Switzerland, travel wasn’t a big part of my life. It wasn’t until I embarked on my first overseas adventure at 22 . With just the vacation time, I set off to Mexiko, and that journey changed everything.

Mexiko was a revelation. Surrounded by vibrant culture, exotic wildlife, and amazing cuisine, I found myself immersed in a world of endless possibilities. Each day was an adventure, and I realized that I held the reins to my destiny.

From that moment on, I was hooked.

The following year, a solo Trip to Thailand opened my eyes even wider. In the city of Bangkok, I encountered a group of backpackers who shattered my perceptions of travel. They showed me that one didn’t need a corner office or a hefty bank account to explore the world. Long-term travel on a budget was not only feasible but incredibly fulfilling. I knew I had to be a part of it.

Returning home, I completed my studies and bid farewell to my sales job. In 2019 I embarked on what was meant to be a year-long adventure around the world. Little did I know it would become a lifelong journey.

Dissatisfied with the corporate grind, I took a leap of faith and spent nine months traveling Southeast Asia. Those months solidified my love for travel. Since then, I’ve explored over 40 countries, forming lasting bonds with people from all walks of life.

Today, while still rooted in Switzerland, I spend half of each year exploring new destinations, both solo and with friends. My ultimate goal? To turn my passion for travel into a livelihood, sharing my experiences and insights to inspire others to pursue their own adventures.

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